Saturday, September 24, 2005

How does the house fit

Favorite asks "how does the house fit?"

It fits real good. In fact I think we had a lot of things come together on this. The neighborhood is great for the kids, which means it's great for us.

The house, itself, is "all that." Now that all our stuff is in it, even if it is in boxes, it is not overwhelming us. I am surprised. It will take a little time before we are all settled but I think it will take less time than I first thought.

We have even staged our first 'improvement' project successfully. We had to have the water pressure stepped down with a regulator. A plumber came and one hour later our 120 PSI water was a pleasant 62 PSI. I think that might explain why none of the toilets work consistently. I might have to replace the valves in a couple of them as they probably were not treated kindly by the extreme pressure. If I'm not mistaken, 160 PSI is a pressure washer, for reference.

We still have to figure out a couple things, e.g. where to situate a bookcase or a couch, in order to really make it comfortable but it is quite liveable now, less than a month into it.

Large Male Sibling

1 comment:

"the favorite" said...

If you left the shower at 120 psi, you would need any soap. You could have power washed the siding and the decks, no problem.