Saturday, December 24, 2005


I wish I had a lot to say for some reason. I got up extra early and mostly...I got nothin'.

X-mas has had its usual 'what the hell is this all about?' moment. Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Men? I'm pretty sure I've never seen that in my life. Certainly not at x-mastime.

I know we've discussed this to death so that's all I'll say. It really doesn't bother me that much but it makes for a couple of uncomfortable but mandatory moments.

I enjoyed this John Mayer site. Good, young guitar player. And he has a trio. I love trios.

John Mayer


Big Brother said...

You were incredibly articulate in that comment.

Thanksgiving is absolutely the best holiday. Being thankful? I'm down wi'that.

I won't even let the kids say that they are bored. Someone once said to me that boredom is completely under your control. If you are bored it's on you, no one else.

Is it engaging to sit in a waiting room? No. But what do you need other than your imagination to escape that reality?

Big Brother said...

I think I see your point, Trouble. You are encouraging us to make it what we want it to be. And that's a good idea. I try to do that. All I'm saying is that there is an inevitable breaking point where you go, damn I'm exhausted.

Many of the people I work with are not x-tians. That's what they do. They enjoy the days off.

I have given this a lot of thought. Now that I am not an x-tian, I notice more how much the holiday is religious. I don't find fault with that, but it is a bit unavoidable. And like 'moi' said, it does seeem to come down to the consumerism or the religion.

I'm not 'into' either of these. I like the family time, the get-togethers. For the kids, I mostly try to let them have some gifts and avoid a lot of defensiveness about the religious underpinnings.

But every x-mas special is the same - gifts are the real meaning of x-mas, giving is and that is symbolized by Jesus. Even Charlie Brown. I have fondness for these things but in the end the religious message is overbearing for me.

X-mas is just an extension of a rich tradition of other religious/pagan celebrations on the solstice. It all comes down to re-birth, whether it's the lord, the sun, or the nature around you symbolized by logs, tress, boughs. That's cool as far as you need to go with that.

I'm glad to hear your encouragement though. That's a good messsage to remember.

Big Brother said...

TM is Michou.

I don't want you to think that I'm bored or hate x-mas. I just had reached a point, as I often do at x-mas, where I was at my limit/not having the fun now.

The day itself was fine.

CML's post (moi) was awesome. It was a beautiful analysis about boredom being a state of mind. She identified herself as listless, that's a feeling and she was responding to it - precisely by avoiding the boredom that Chekov was tediously laying before the audience.

I subsequently felt better and took MH's advice. Kid-rolla was very to the point in what she enjoys and that's cool too.

I'm off the metaphorical ledge is all I'm trying to say.

Big Brother said...

The fact that you so eloquently wax on the subject reflects well on me, doesn't it? I want it too. Really it's that good that I want to be erudite-by-association.

Put another way: Here! Here!